I'm Berber.
I'm a mother of three: Amber (11) and Simon (7) and Linus (4).
I live in The Netherlands in a town situated near Amersfoort, or Utrecht, or Amsterdam... alright, I live in a very small country.
We've had to wait quite some time, but at last we're living in the house of our dreams. A quiet street, a large garden, friendly neighbours... the full package.
I have a paid part time job that I really enjoy and the rest of my time I spend at home with the children, my husband and fabric stash. Finding time to do all the things I love is often tricky; mostly it's my housekeeping that suffers :)
I love sewing. I love crochet.
My sewing machine and computer seem to have taken permanent possession of the dining table, which requires us to have lunch and dinner outside. It's a good thing the weather has been so mild :)
If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me!